Congregational CSP
Affordable websites for small churches and ministries, built and maintained by the Synod CSP program
Seizing the opportunity to tell your exceptional story of mission and ministry to your community
A church website is like a narthex on Sunday morning. It is a welcoming place where visitors are greeted. It is a place where members and friends can get information on events and programs.
A church website is also like a business card or an old "Yellow Pages" advertisement. It is a connection point for members of the community to get to know you. Without an easily accessible website, your church can easily be overlooked.
In other words, a church website is an important tool to make yourselves known to your church family, the local community, and beyond.
Too often, the options for small churches to have a professionally created and maintained website are few and expensive. Churches can opt to do it themselves, which is ideal until the person who created the website (usually a pastor or administrator) leaves. This leaves many churches with a quandary on who will update their site.
In other cases, the task of website creation and maintenance + upkeep is so daunting that many smaller churches simply do not pursue it, opting to use social media platforms like Facebook. Unfortunately, this approach excludes too many users that are seeking you.

With the Congregational Communication Services Plan (CCSP) from Synod of the Sun, we will build you a simple, effective website to help visitors know more about your congregation and enable members to share the story of your church with your community.
Utilizing simple online access through Facebook and Google Calendar, your website will also keep the community informed of your events and programs.
The Communications Services Plan for Congregations will:
Set up a six page website with your church’s basic information
Create or re-create a Facebook Page presence
Create or re-create a Google Calendar you can simply update
Train staff/volunteers on how to make changes to Facebook and Google Calendar.
Create a simple-to-use manual to pass along to new staff/volunteers
Provide annual access to CSP staff to make changes to the website.
We want to partner with your congregation to have a simple, functional website that can be easily updated locally and maintained by our CSP staff.
Want to know more? Read our information brochure below to find out about pricing and the process of setting up the website. Then, contact Thomas Riggs, Administration and Communication Coordinator for Synod of the Sun at